Thursday, July 26, 2007

My week

img018, originally uploaded by your neighborhood librarian.

Boy 1 got Boy 2 in the face with a shovelful of mud (yes, that shovel up above, and thank god it's plastic). I am almost 100% sure by accident.
Ergo, Monday morning was spent at the doc in the box, and the rest of Monday was spent trying to subtly ascertain whether or not the child was seeing double. Very hard to get that kind of information out of a four-year-old.

that's gonna leave a mark

Scrounged every free minute to read Harry Potter before someone spoiled it for me.
Ergo children went without socks and I went commando for two days (v. behind on laundry).

Saw a rat traveling from the compost to the veg garden.
Ergo pest control guy ($200, he did an ant-go-'way spell too) and new, sealed, composter ($275).


photo by Big Man

Pruned the shrubs.
Ergo 12 nathanfillion insect bites. On the up side, I totally avoided the thorns of the wild rose bush that I have failed to kill every year since we moved here. Last year I cut that fucker off six inches below the soil, and it STILL came back.

Bought a minivan. Gonna miss that Subaru (Subaru means 'unite'!) but hey! no more fighting over whose phone gets the charger!

Almost forgot: Cat (or cats) expressed her displeasure at the ant treatment by pissing on the playroom bed. That always puts the cherry on top of any week.


  1. My supervisor kindly ruined Harry Potter for me. I happened to be walking by her desk as she was on the phone with a friend (not a rare occurrence) and she totally let the wizard out of the hat. Damn. My copy won't arrive from England for another day or so.

    And I beg to differ, but Subaru is Japanese for Asheville. :)

  2. Asheville is full of... liberals? lesbians? Either way, improves my image of Asheville.

  3. Quintessential Asheville: Lesbians in a Subaru Outback with a bike rack full of bikes on top, a dog named Dakota in the back, and a Kerry sticker (oops, now Obama) on the bumper. Oh, and both of the lesbians will be wealthy artists.

    It's nice, but idealogues of any stripe, even if we're on the same side, tend to grate on my nerves.

    Asheville also has a lot of the kind of liberal who would see someone bleeding in the street, start a drum circle to raise money for people bleeding in the street, write letters to the local alternative weekly bemoaning that no one in gov't is interested in helping people bleeding in the street, and then complain that the people bleeding in the street are disrupting their view of the mountains. Then said bleeding person will drag him or herself into the library and proceed to bleed all over the counter.

    It's a great place to visit, but it irritates me to live here.

  4. Dude. Minivan?

    (And I'm walking around with my eyes closed and my hands over my ears, singing "la la la" so I don't accidentally find out things I shouldn't about Harry Potter until I borrow it from a guy at work next Monday.)

  5. Hee hee hee! I had a similar week - The Z was stung by a wasp - twice. Quite the drama. And as we all sat inside enjoying a downpour, three tiny mice decided to come out and parade through the living room causing everyone to scream and lose their minds. Great fun!

  6. Srsly - minivan. It's all about karma... with a minivan I can carpool up to 5 kids, which means I can ask other moms to give my kids rides.

    It's our first new car ever and I have to say it's kind of sweet!

    Also I forgot, Boy 2 had his 4 year checkup and had to get 3 shots. Shitty week.
