Saturday, August 12, 2006

A book that should be one sentence long

"If you looked at this title and thought 'That's me!', do your child a favor and don't homeschool her."

One dummy in the family should be plenty.


  1. I am in total agreement. Who would buy a book that calls them names and if it is true, then you need more than that book.

  2. Ugh, I am no fan of the Dummies series in general, but this one takes the cake. Wonder what it would take to get a For Dummies proposal rejected?

  3. As a librarian, every day I see people who need to learn a little about a subject that is completely new to them. Probate comes to mind. Home repairs.
    In these cases, you want a book that spells things out carefully and without assuming any prior knowledge of, say, law, or plumbing.

    1. Calling the book "for Dummies" or "for the Complete Idiot" seems unnecessarily judgemental.
    2. Homeschooling is just not one of those subjects.

  4. i always used to apologize to patrons if i wound up showing them a 'dummies' book.

    perhaps in this title's case, 'for dummies' addressing the readership and the product of their homeschooling efforts....

  5. I still do. Nobody's ever taken offense though, I guess that's the key to the success of these series.
